Mark 4:16 “Others,
like the seeds sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with
My name in Spanish is Margarita, for Margaret. Margarita is also the word for daisy in Spanish. I hope I can bloom in rocky places like these margaritas in Rumi Rancho.
This misty morning, the sun peeked out and the rains ceased, at least for a few hours. We were walking around to check for flooding on the property when I found these margaritas flourishing in the rocks. Amidst all the rain and flooding, these beautiful flowers sprouted from a place where nothing should be growing.
When we were building our house, we were given these stones that had been on a city street. We put gravel between the cracks, and over the years they seemed to be cemented in the ground. For anything to be growing out of these cracks is almost impossible, yet this beauty emerged.
The seeds were planted, and spread from other plants with the wind and rain, then fell on rocky land. It is usually dry here most of the year, and because we ration water the plants never get as much watering as they have this year. While there is flooding and devastation all around us from the rains, we see God's beautiful flowers blooming in hard places because the seeds were watered.
Some of our people here are facing a rocky road in the next months. Their land is under water, some waist deep, and their crops of corn and alfalfa are gone. But God can bring beauty out of hard places. Let's plant and water even in hard places, so others will receive His Word with joy.
If these margaritas can bloom out of the rocks,
we too can bloom in hard places with God's help.