I married my high school sweetheart and we bought our first home in that same magical town. As a young bride, I yearned to hone my cooking skills and create a loving home. My new neighbor, Joanne, became my friend. She taught me many things about cooking and baking. She exemplified a loving, devoted wife and mother who quickly became my role model. But what she taught me through her everyday life one day changed my life. She talked about God a lot and sparked my curiosity about the God she so fervently served. I wondered what made her so passionate about the God she loved. Joanne had something I didn’t have––but wanted.
I knew all about God, and so did my husband. We went to church regularly, and my husband also had this deep devotion to God that somehow seemed to be missing in my life. What was the difference I saw in my husband and Joanne? As hard as I tried, I couldn’t put my finger on it. What was it?

What changed? I met Jesus on those pages. I saw Him as the Son of God who died for me. The Bible says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 (NIV)
I ran out my door that afternoon to tell Joanne what I had just experienced. I believed! Jesus was my Savior! I wanted Him in my life too, just as He was in her life. God gave me a desire to be a missionary from the first time I heard a missionary speak in our church, and God eventually led my husband and me to Bolivia to tell others about Jesus on the foreign field.

I have a ministry with teen girls. I teach cooking and baking, and in each class I teach the girls about God and the Bible. Joanne taught me many things about baking, cooking, and God. I like to think she is smiling down from heaven and happy to see how she influenced my life, and how I am now using those skills to reach young girls for Christ.
It’s wonderful to know we have a hope that one day we will live with Jesus in heaven forever, and we will be reunited with those loved ones who have gone on before us. Heaven is a very real place that God has created especially for those who believe His Word and trust Jesus as Savior.
"It's been my dream since I began writing and being published that one day my husband and I could print books in Spanish for kids in Bolivia. Now, through Worthy Words Press we are fulfilling that dream to print children's books with Bible Principles, animal antics, and vivid illustrations. Our hope is that children will not only be entertained through books but most importantly that they come to know Jesus who loves them more than anyone."